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The world of flowers should be more integrated in the kitchen.

That's why Tinars is committed to the enormous culinary potencial they have, providing so many positive things to our dishes, such as flavour, perfume, colour...

Jacko and Anna are responsible of bringing us weekly these natural and wild flowers, such as courgette flower, marigold, mallow, violet, garlic flower,...

Flowers have many properties, some are medidinal, aromas, giving colour and exotic personality in our dishes.



The Palamós prawn is a gastronomic reference, a true delight.

Bright red in color, with an unmistakable flavor and aroma, which make it a unique and top quality product.

It comes to us from the market every afternoon and you can enjoy it blanched with sea water, grilled or charcoal-grilled... A real pleasure that must be tried.



For those who gathers mushrooms, morel marks the bigining of spring. Normally, they start to be found in San José, although depending on the season they can be advanced or delayed a little. From the gastronomic point of view, it is considered an excellent mushroom. In Tinars we have them with foie gras cream, a real treat!

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